Celebrities offer their thanks, remembrances and condolences on the death of actress-director Penny Marshall, who died Monday at 75. “I loved Penny. I grew up with her. Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News
Celebrities offer their thanks, remembrances and condolences on the death of actress-director Penny Marshall, who died Monday at 75. “I loved Penny. I grew up with her. Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right to left, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, President of the United States Donald Trump, Mexico's Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, and President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto participate in a signing ceremony for the new United States-… Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News
President Donald Trump launched the Pentagon’s new Space Command Tuesday, an effort to better organize and advance the military’s vast operations in space that could cost as much as $800 million over the next five years. Trump signed a one-page memorandum Tuesday authorizing the Defense Department to create the … Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News
The Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice bill Tuesday that addresses concerns that the nation’s war on drugs had led to the imprisonment of too many Americans for non-violent crimes without adequately preparing them for their return to society. Senate passage of the bill by a vote of 87-12 culminates … Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News
President Donald Trump’s school safety commission on Tuesday proposed a rollback of an Obama-era policy that was meant to curb racial disparities in school discipline but that critics say left schools afraid to take action against potentially dangerous students. The panel, led by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, made the … Read entire story.
Source: Celebrities News